Econocure Paint Curing System

The Econocure Paint Curing System, tailored for South African conditions, offers advanced IR curing technology that efficiently cures coatings from the inside out, preventing solvent entrapment and ensuring high-quality results. It is ideal for spot repairs on vehicles, capable of reaching most repair areas. With two 1500W IR lamps totaling 3000W, the Econocure system provides a curing area of 0.6m x 0.6m. The drying times at a 60 cm distance are as follows: Putty (±6 minutes), Filler (light) (±15 minutes), Filler (dark) (±12 minutes), Waterbase (±6 minutes), Base Coat (±8 minutes), Top Coat (±15 minutes), Clear Coat (±15 minutes), Plastic Filler (±15 minutes), Plastic Top Coat (±17 minutes), PlatiClearcoat (±17 minutes), and Soft Cure (±17 minutes). The recommended selling price is R 7,598.00 excl. VAT.


R8737,70 incl VAT

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